A scream cuts through the night. As the group looks out the windows at the small inn, they see a teenager carried away by a huge bat! What was supposed to be a calm night in a small town, turns into a monster-mystery where everyone seems to owe everyone else something...
The Monster from the Other Side is the first official adventure specially written for the table-top/roleplaying game Drudge!
The adventure takes place in a small un-named town, somewhere in Europe during 1901. Time and place is easily changed, and even the genre can be tweaked.
A small horror/mystery adventure for a 3-4 person strong group. Both table-top and roleplaying sessions are incorporated in the adventure, taking all of Drudge!'s rules into effect.
The Monster from the Other Side is a fun, quick and interesting adventure which can easily be expanded.
For the table-top sessions you will need a few buildings and figures.
You will need the Drudge! Core Rule Book to be able to play this adventure.