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081 Deep Water Cove Commercial Use

081 Deep Water Cove Commercial UsePublisher: mstephenjoy

This is a commercial license to use this image in digital and print media.

By using this image you have agreed to the following terms and conditions;

the purchaser of this image is hereafter refered to as the licensor and M Stephen Joy as the owner;

the licensor shall keep recipt of payment for this image as proof where the time, date and image purchased are clearly defined and from whome the purchase was made can be verified;

the licensor aknowledges that this agreement between the licensor and owner extends to print material and elctronic print media only and does not extend to video, television, or cinema;

The owner does hereby grant permission to the licensor to use this image in live web broadcasts and in retransmissions of such broadcasts;

the licensor may add to, manipulate and crop the images however they wish;

the licensor may not say, suggest or imply that the owner has endorsed the licensor's work and is prohibited from using the owners name except where required for copyright notice;

the licensor may only include this image in their copyrighted works and work they own;

the licensor will not include this image in works that infringe on other copyrights or are illegal;

the licensor assume all legal and financial responsibility should the licensor break this agreement;

the licensor agrees that no ownership of this work is given, implied or transfred to the licensor;

the licensor understand and agree that the licensor use of this work is non exclusive and that others may also liscence this image for commercial use;

the licensor agrees that the licensor has no legal claim to this work except that the licensor may use it as part of and as an inclusion in a larger work;

the licensor agree that this image is under the sole ownership of M Stephen Joy;

the licensor agrees that the licensor will not and may not redistribute this work by itself or as a stand alone product or as clip art or artwork that can be used or is seen to be used in other products;

the licensor agrees that the licensor may only use this work as part of or inclusion in a greater larger work;

the licensor agrees that the licensor may not resell, distribute or give away this work except as part of a larger work;

the licensor agrees to post notice in the licensor work that this image was used under lisence and is the sole property of M Stephen Joy;

the licensor agrees that the licensor will not use and is prohibited by the owner from using this image to defame, slander or otherwise cause harm to anyone or any thing;

the licensor agrees that the licensor will not use and is prohibited by the owner from using this image in any pornographic way or in any work or on any work that contains pornographic images;

the licensor agrees that the licensor will not use and is prohibited by the owner from using this image in any advertising except where it is to advertise the greater work it is included in;

the licensor agrees that the licensor will not and is prohibited by the owner from copyrighting or trademarking this image or making any legal claim against it except where expresely outlined in these terms and conditions;

the licensor agrees that if the licensor copyrights or trademarks a larger work of which this image is used in part or as a whole that the licensor copyright or trademark does not extend to or include this image or any part of this image;

the licensor agrees to assume all legal fees and expenses incured should the licensor violate these terms and conditions.

Price: $10.00

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