The Super Villain Handbook covers forty archetypes for various super villains that one might encounter throughout comics. While the book was created with ICONS in mind, there are many reasons that this is an essential resource for GMs of any superhero game.
The book classifies super villains not by what they can do (for example, "control magnetism") but by their role in the story ("I must make the world safe for my people!"). In such roles, we see everything from the lowly Crime Boss to the Cosmic Menace. This allows villains of all types and power sets to fill different roles at the table without coming across as poorly re-skinned clones.
Recommendations for the SVH
From Steve Kenson (of Green Ronin and Ad Infinitum Adventures): Villains are a mainstay of superhero games: Who is going to challenge the heroes from week-to-week if not a reliable rogues gallery of villains? The Supervillain Handbook gives you enough ideas and archetypes for endless game-play and its discussion of classic villain archetypes is useful for all superhero games, beyond just Icons Superpowered Roleplaying. If superhero roleplaying games are your thing, then you want this book!
From Chuck Rice of Mayfair Games (and previously of Vigilance Press and RPGObjects)Jason Tondro continues his amazing work of mixing a scholar's look at comics with great, ready-made NPCs for your ICONs games. This is his best work to date, focusing on the villains that oppose your plucky heroes. Every page is full of plot hooks and character ideas. This book will serve as a tremendous Game Master's reference through countless campaigns.