The Forever Diamonds is a fantasy espionage campaign-level sourcebook for creating and running a series of sequential campaign-style game sessions using the support material found in Encryptopedia.
Encryptopedia gave you a general background on how to add espionage to your fantasy genre game, or add fantasy to your espionage game. The first adventure for the sourcebook, “Live & Let Dye,” gave you a framework for an adventure set with that sourcebook in mind. The Forever Diamonds will give you campaign notes, a setting framework, characters, and background so that you can continue what you started.
This sourcebook offers:
- 15,000+ words in both PDF and epub formats and access to any updates thereafter.
- Deep background on two factions introduced in Encryptopedia: The Heralds of the Queen and the Honorable Old Masters; in addition to the inclusion of a new secret cabal faction called the Shadowhood.
- Details on a special power set called scaetha, a talent based on the elemental power of shadow.
- The ability to run characters in any or all of the three factions presented: Heralds of the Queen, secret arcane agents of the Shadowhood, or gangsters from the Honorable Old Masters.
- A conflict management system to keep track of the positions each faction holds in your campaign.
- Guidance on running the campaign from the start where your players will uncover the secrets of the aeon gems, also known as the Forever Diamonds, to the middle campaign where the factions will discover each other and immediately fall into conflict, to the final phase of the campaign where the fight over this finite but powerful resource grows to threaten all those who desire it.
- Key events in the campaign are defined, but the engine of the story is up to you, as you are in control of the reactions of the factions the players are not playing.
The Forever Diamonds will be released Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015. For a limited time, Forever Diamonds is available from Sam Chupp Media for a 50% discount if you pre-order. Before 9/22/2015, you will receive a preview document which will be replaced with the uploaded complete PDF on the 22nd.
The Forever Diamonds is written and designed by Origin-award-winning game designer Sam Chupp, the co-creator of Changeling: the Dreaming and Wraith: the Oblivion.
Price: $3.99